Thursday, April 16, 2015

You can do anything...

...well,  anything that is in God's will!

Today, the devotion was John 21:1-13, about the disciples fishing in the night, thinking Jesus was dead.  They caught nothing and probably felt like all was lost on so many levels: no fish, no Jesus, no direction, no joy, no peace as they had all run away when Jesus was arrested just a week or so ago.

As they are in their boat downhearted and empty of fish, they are told by some guy on the shore to cast their nets to the right side of the boat.  I suppose they had nothing to lose, so they did.  They then caught 153 fish and their nets were so full they should have broken, but they didn't.  That is when they shifted their focus from them and their situation to the guy on the shore and realized who the "guy" is! Wow!

Peter jumps overboard and swims to shore. Waiting there is Jesus with breakfast prepared for them! How cool will that be in heaven some day?

This is a great reminder to me to first of all, always keep my eyes on God: His glory, His will, His scripture. If I am focused on the things of this world without keeping it all in His will, then I will not have a good day.  I see this all the time as I am a "doer." I  get caught up in completing projects and that is my entire focus. It causes me to take my eyes off of God.

However, if when I am doing my doer thing, I focus on God, then I accomplish things, and I accomplish them in a way that glorifies God and is His will. That is what I really want to do all the time. I don't seem to be able to consistently do this, though. So what do I do about this?  Well, I cling to the following verse:

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
 - 1Co 10:13

God, thank you for always providing a way for me to get through anything.  Help me to focus on you only!

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Thank you for your comments. I will review then in a few days! I hope you see God's blessings for you this week!