Everytime I read the Bible, something new jumps out at me. EVERYTIME!
For instance, today's devotional was about the last scene in Jesus life on earth, John 19:22-27. I have read this at least a hundred times, I am sure of it. However, today, several new thoughts became apparent.
So, here is the setting. Jesus was on the cross. The Roman guards were betting for his robe. The crowd was looking up to the cross to him and jeering and ridiculing Him, and then He looks down and gives Mary to his favorite disciple.
I have read this so many times, I almost skimmed instead of reading it today. What I would have missed if I had skimmed! There is so much in that small section of scripture.
First, Jesus is on the cross and the guards are betting to see who can get his clothes. In my devotional this morning, they go back to earlier in scripture, to the occasion when the woman who touched the hem of Jesus garment was healed. This makes you wonder what might have happened to the guards, or to the guard, who received Jesus garment. If just touching the hem of Jesus' garment could heal someone, what could happen to the soldier who won His robe? Was he later a believer? Did his household become believers? Was he used greatly by God even though he was one of the soldiers that nailed Jesus Christ to the cross? Of course it could all be true, because Jesus Christ died for all our sins. We nail Him to the cross every time we do something wrong...no matter how small, or insignificant, we think it is. So, why couldn't the Roman soldier who nailed Jesus to the cross and bet for his clothes not become a believer?
Then, the scripture reference goes to people who are looking up to the cross where Jesus is. I realized people have to look up to Jesus to see that He is suffering, and then that I should continually look up as I go through my day. Of course I am human, and as Paul said, we want to do what is godly but our flesh gets in the way. So I must continually work at looking up, so that I can be more Christ-like everyday.
Then at the end, Jesus looks down at Mary, his mother, and gives her to John. John takes her into his home and takes care of her. It is amazing that at the end of Jesus' life as he is on the cross dying, as he is dying for all of our sins, that he remembers his mother and ensures that she is taken care of when he is no longer physically on this earth. As a mother I find this overwhelming and it brings tears to my eyes!
What a great God we have! Not a single detail was overlooked! We have forgiveness for our sins, we have a God we need to look up to every minute of every day if we want to do what is right and not sin, we have a God who loves ALL sinners, we have a God who never overlooks even the smallest details!
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Thank you for your comments. I will review then in a few days! I hope you see God's blessings for you this week!