Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Breath on me, breath of God!

Today, in my devotional, I read John 20:22

And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.

It is interesting that God breathed Adam into existence, that He breathed the Spirit into the disciples, and that He breathed the Holy Spirit into all believers. That is not to say that before Jesus did this, no one else had the Holy Spirit, because the Bible says otherwise. However, here is an example of the Lord ensuring we would have peace as we walk with Him during our time on this earth.

Things are never easy and simple!  Some days are just bad...everything goes wrong without any forewarning, relationships get screwed up and we are caught unawares and blind sided and hurt, people behave oddly and we are left wondering what happened, we say and do things we wish we hadn't.

It says in the Bible that our Spirit wants to do what is right, but our flesh (and everyone else's) is weak. So we, and others, do things we wish we hadn't. Then comes John 20:22. And we have peace.

We have peace!  We have peace because God loves us and gave us that peace. We have peace, because no matter how anyone else treats us, we are loved by God. We have peace, because no matter how badly we mess up, we are loved and forgiven by God!

Praise God for His never-ending and deep love for all of us! We have peace!

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