Saturday, March 19, 2016

Jonah threw a tantrum! What?

Jonah 4
1But to Jonah this seemed very wrong, and he became angry. 2HE PRAYED TO THE LORD, “ISN’T THIS WHAT I SAID, Lord, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. 3Now, Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.” 4But the Lord replied, “Is it right for you to be angry?” 

After Jonah preaches to the Ninevites that they must repent and change their wicked ways, they do. Jonah has done what God asked...finally. What happens? The Ninevites repented and changed their ways, and God true to His word is merciful and loving to an evil city. He accepts their repentance and does not destroy them! I imagine they were walking around exclaiming "Praise God!"

What does Jonah do now that He has fulfilled what God wanted him to do? What does he do after he has been an instrument used by God to turn an entire city from the path of destruction? Jonah throws a fit. A tantrum! Not only is he upset that God had mercy on this evil, disobedient city (just like He had mercy on Jonah for disobeying), but He tells God this is why he ran in a different direction than where God told him to go in the first place. What? So, he is scolding God for having mercy on this city? He is telling God he knew God would be nice to them if they repented, and he didn't want God to be nice to them? Wow! That seems very childish and vindictive. 

Yet, in all this, God is still caring and teaching and showing mercy to Jonah. Supplying shade; then taking it away so he can understand that God always has a plan and will care for him and will show him the right way and will discipline us when we are wrong (think belly of the whale). And Jonah is having none of it! He is sticking to His tantrum and wants to just die! Oh, the drama! 

So, basically Jonah is telling God that He knows better as to what should happen to Nineveh than God does. It is a good thing our God is a loving God or He would have destroyed Jonah right there, but He doesn't. He just shows him love.

Then I think about how I feel about people who are mean, wicked in my opinion, use others, have only their agenda, think only of themselves. What do I do? How do I treat them? Do I show them God's never ending love and mercy? Or do I decide that they should get what they deserve?

Do I want to get what I deserve? For all the mistakes I have made, the wrong things I have done, the mean things I have thought and said, do I want what I deserve? Oh no, I do not! I want God's love and mercy! I want what God gave Nineveh and Jonah...forgiveness and a patient and all encompassing mercy!

Father, please help me to shower your love, patience, and mercy on EVERYONE as you have done for me! In Christ's name I pray. Amen.

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