Saturday, January 30, 2016

God's Timing

In Genesis 40 & 41, we find Joseph. Joseph has been imprisoned after his brothers sold him into slavery. Even though imprisoned, He is faithful to God. 

He behaves differently than the other prisoners because He is relying on God for his wisdom even in a tough and unfair situation. He rises to the top among the prisoners and is even put in charge of the other prisoners. 

Eventually, because of God's grace, Joseph is given the opportunity to get out of prison. He goes before pharoah and interprets a dream for him that no one else could. Before interpreting, however, he acknowledged that only God can interpret dreams, and thus his words are from God. 

God had been waiting for this moment to use Joseph. Joseph was faithful to God through the entire imprisonment. If he had not been, no one would have respected his word enough to hear what he had to say. When it came time to get a chance to get out of prison, he could have bragged about his wisdom instead of God's, but he didn't. He humbly and bravely gave credit where credit was due...God.

I wonder as I go through my busy day, do I give God credit for my wisdom and accomplishments, even the tiny ones? Or do I take the credit proudly and move on to the next event? If things worked out for me, I should thank God for that. If things didn't work out for me, I should thank God for that also. God has a plan and when it is time for things to work out, or not, according to His plan, they will. 

Father, I pray that you will always make me humble enough to acknowledge You in everything rather than take the credit myself or blame others or be jealous of others. Please help me to do this. In Christ's name I pray. Amen.

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Thank you for your comments. I will review then in a few days! I hope you see God's blessings for you this week!