I read Genesis chapters 37 & 38 today. Oh my! What a messy account of human sin. Genesis 1 starts with God and His great crayon and then add man. At first it is paradise, then man decides to sin and everything is changed for all of human history. No more Garden of Eden. No more walks in the garden with God. Humans have to toil and struggle. The first murder happens. Lying, cheating, stealing, prostitution, adultery, polygamy, more murder, and on and on and on! And I am only referring to Genesis right now!
Genesis is the first book in the Bible. The Bible is God's word to us. Yet, it is full of awful events and happening. Aren't you wondering why an all knowing, all powerful, God would let this happen and even worse put it all down in writing in His holy book?
He does it because He is all knowing and all powerful and He wants us to see that even though we mess things up, He still has a plan and His plan still wins in the end...no matter how messy we humans make it along the way. In the end, God wins! What is the end?
Well, God's end game, also in the Holy scriptures asking with the messy (and true) stuff, is the account of Jesus. He comes to the earth as a baby. Grows up and teaches us a deeper understanding of God...deeper than the ten commandments, The Law, and then gives His life on the cross as a substitute for the punishment we deserved for our sins. God raises Him from the dead, and now He is heaven. He sits at the right hand of God and INTERCEDEs for us when we ask for forgiveness, because we don't really deserve forgiveness do we? You don't have to look at Genesis to see the wrong we all do every day. God is holy and cannot tolerate unholiness (that is sin and that is all of us since the first sin). So, we only get to heaven through the work of Christ! Jesus Christ sits on His throne and covers all of our sin so that God can allow us in heaven when we die on this earth.
Having said all that, the connection between Genesis and Jesus is... those people whose sins are documented in the Old Testament? The human part of Jesus blood line is in those people! In Genesis, we find the history of Jesus mother's family, His history, our history!
God had a plan. It might take thousands of years before we see the end game, but He has a plan, and His plans always happen even with sinful, human beings such as ourselves!
Father, thank you that you sent your son so that we can have forgiveness for our sins and spend eternity in heaven with a loving Father who will work for 1,000s of years, if that is what it takes, to help us. Thank you for loving us!
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Thank you for your comments. I will review then in a few days! I hope you see God's blessings for you this week!