Saturday, July 25, 2015

David & Bathsheba -an example of God's grace and love for us all

Today's devotional was about David and Bathsheba. There were lots of questions about if Bathsheba knew what she was doing, if she seduced David, or if David commanded her to come and as a servant of the King she simply had to do what he wanted her to do. Either way, they lose their first son together as repayment for the sin. Later in life Bathsheba goes to David to ensure that Solomon's throne will be claimed and not overthrown by another brother. So we see the growth of a Bathsheba from the initial stages to being a strong woman who fought for her son,  who had a good relationship with David and with Nathan the prophet who came and warned her of what was happening. 

There were lots of comments in the devotional today about how this was such a great example of God's mercy and forgiveness towards us. It is. David committed a heighness crime by using Bathsheba and then by killing Uriah to cover it up. They lose their first born because of it. God did tell them there would be repercussions to their sin. But, because God is merciful, they have another child together, Solomon, and he becomes the wisest king to rule on all the earth eventually. 

So God has used Bathsheba and David to bring about Solomon, the greatest and wisest king who is the chosen one to build God's temple. He also used them in the lineage of Jesus. So we see that even when people do bad things, if they repent and then continue to pursue God, continue to pursue His glory, if they pursue forgiveness for their sins, God can use them greatly.

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Thank you for your comments. I will review then in a few days! I hope you see God's blessings for you this week!