Hebrews 1:1-2
Long ago, at many times and ain many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but bin these last days che has spoken to us by dhis Son, whom he appointed ethe heir of all things, fthrough whom also he created gthe world.
Recently we have been studying the prophets and the Psalms. The prophets brought news of what would happen if the people didn't repent and return from their ways. God gave then a choice, and time to make it. He then brought justice. Either they turned from their ways and God's wrath subsided and He was pleased with them, or they went on doing the wrong things the Prophets told them God was unhappy about and they received their promised reward (many times war, death, losses). God does not mess around when we are sinning. He is holy, does not have any sin, so sin is a big problem in our relationship with Him. He gives us a warning and a clear explanation of what will happen if we do, or don't, turn from our sins.
The prophets brought these truths to the people whether they wanted to hear it or not. God wants them to hear the truth. Then came Jesus. Hebrews 1:1 tells us Jesus is the greatest prophet. He not only brings news of what is to come, He is God also. He is their redemption. He was here from the beginning and He will be here forever! Now that is a prophet! A prophet of all prophets!
His Good News? Turn from your sins, just like the prophets of old said. However, this prophet can forgive you of all your sins. He is God, so He has the ability and right to do that. He is our redeemer, so He takes our sins and removes them from His sight forever, so we can be with Him in eternity, because if He didn't, we couldn't be with Him as He abhors sin.
As Christmas approaches, with every gift you buy, with every tree you see, with every card you send or receive, remember why we are celebrating. Jesus, the Prophet, but more importantly the Savior, is the reason for the season!
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Thank you for your comments. I will review then in a few days! I hope you see God's blessings for you this week!