Read Mark 15:1-45.
Wow! I had a bad day this week. The students were rude and disrespectful, things didn't go as planned, I hadn't slept well the night before, I felt like a failure. It was a bad day. I felt sorry for myself.
Now read Mark 15 again. My day was nothing compared to what Christ had ensured. In chapter 14, all the religious leaders of His day, who knew the scriptures backwards and forwards, denied He was the Son of God. They were mad because He caused them to face the truth...that they were not serving God or believing in the scriptures...they were in it for the power and recognition. They didn't like the truth. In fact the truth made then so mad, they, the religious leaders, plotted to have Him killed. Can you imagine that? The people who should have seen who He was, wanted to kill Him instead. So, they spit on Him, they ridiculed Him, then they sent Him to Pilot.
In chapter 15, they force Pilot to do their killing for them. The soldiers mock and beat Jesus. The crowd yells insults. The other two on the cross, at first, mock Him. His followers are silent...they don't want to get crucified. Besides that, Jesus was supposed to be the Messiah, the King. They assumed that would mean He would rescue them from Rome. They were in for a bigger surprise than they could have ever imagined!
So, Jesus gives up His life at 3:00 p.m. in chapter 15. He gave it up so that on our bad days, we could have hope in forgiveness of our sins and an eternal home in Heaven with our heavenly Father.
Christ had a "bad day"" like none we could ever imagine. Christ ensured the rejection and passion and suffering so we could have a great day knowing the hope His death and resurrection gave us with an eternal, fantastic, afterlife! What a sacrifice! What a gift!
Father, please help me not to complain and feel sorry for myself. Holy Spirit, help me to remember the hope and joy I have knowing all my sins are already forgiven and I have a home in Heaven. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
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Thank you for your comments. I will review then in a few days! I hope you see God's blessings for you this week!