Here are the happenings in our life as God continually pursues us!
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Six implications in reading the Bible
To glorify God, see the glory by hearing and reading the Word!
Six implications:
-The infinite worth and beauty of God are the ultimate value and excellence of the universe.
-The supremely authentic and intentional worship of God's word and beauty is the ultimate aim of all His works. Jn 4:23, Rev 3:16, Rom 12:11
-We should always read God's word in order to see this supreme worth and beauty. Eph 3:4, 8, Col 1:27
-We should aim in all our seeing to savor His excellence above all things. Jn 15:11, 17:13, Psalm 1:3? , Psalm 119:7, 11,
-By this seeing and savoring we aim to be transformed into the likeness of His beauty. 2Cor 3:18, 4:4
-...So that more and more people would be drawn into the world hoping family of God until the Bride of Christ--across all nations is complete in its goal and beauty. Jeremiah 1:12
Supernatural Bible Reading.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, rely on Him and He will make your paths straight.
Obstacles - 2Cor 4:3-4
-Our sinful nature - 1Cor 2:14, Rom 8:7-8
How not to read the Bible - Matt 12:1-8-have you not read, P Pharisees knew the Bible backwards and forwards. Matt 19:3-6-have you never read.
-The devil. What went wrong with the Pharisees? Luke 16:14-loved money and ridiculed Him, Jn 5:44-received glory from one another not seeking glory from God. Not into mercy but into ego which skewed their reading of the Bible. Jn 8:43-44
Three pictures of supernatural help in reading the Bible.
-Opening of our minds: Luke 24:25-26-slow of heart, Luke 24:32-hearts burned & scriptures opened, Luke 24:44-45-opened minds to understand Scriptures,
-shown in our hearts: 2Cor 4:4-6-knowledge of glory of God shines in our hearts
-enlightening of our eyes: Eph 1:16-18-having the eyes of your hearts enlightened that you may know the hope
The word is implanted in us and we desire it.
James 1:18-21-He brought us forth by the word of truth...receive with meekness the implanted Word--received AND implanted
1Peter 1:23-born again, imperishable seed, pure spiritual milk
How do you convince people the Bible is God's word and not just another book. Explain, I prayed to God to show me what He wants me to know through His word. That is how I know. You should try reading it and praying to God to show you what He wants you to know. Try it!l
How about people who say they are free without God? They don't want God's authority. Ask them questions. They are probably a slave to doing what they want...So they really are not free.
How do you explan to intellectuals that the Bible is true about the peculiar glory of God? Read Book together and show arguments from the way Jesus taught to the Pharisees. They can see Jesus through Jesus. The book validates the book.
What about anti gay aspect of Bible? Bible points out gay practice is wrong. The gospel is believe in Jesus and you will be forgiven of your unrighteousness. If it becomes an issue on the table, Bible doesn't say you can hold onto your gay practice and be a Christian. Must be ready to submit to Jesus is Lord concerning things you are very aware of at this point in time. Other sins God's will work on over time.
Should social/racial issues move into Christian ministry. Blood issue not a social issue. Jesus shed His blood for all. Affirmative action has a negative connotation, but isn't intentionally diversifying our church the same thing? Rev 5:9, Ephesians. Don't say "I tried" and go back to your comfort zone.
The Natural act of reading the Bible Supernaturally.
Natural-your ability to see and hear and learn the meaning of phrases and words to think, evaluate, sleep for alertness. Use natural powers and rely on supernatural power at the same time to read the Bible. Be desperate that God will use your reading to see His glory. Matt 16:15-17. God showed Peter that Jesus was the Son of God not flesh and blood. This probably felt pretty natural to Peter. In Timothy Paul tells Timothy to think over the scriptures; God will reveal His meaning as you think through it. 2Tim 2:7
..1Cor 15:10- "I worked harder than any of them, thought, not I , but the Grace of God"
..Biggest challenge in Bible Reading - 1Peter 4:11-serve by the strength God applies:
Acrostic - APTAT
Admit-I am a sinner. I don't know what to do. I can't change myself. I can't understand the Bible on my own. Psalm 25:9, James .
Pray - Matt,7:7. I O U S - L - Incline my heart to God, to want God and the Bible. Open- Psalm 119:18-open my eyes that I may behold wonderful things. Unite - my heart to fear your name Psalm 86:11.Satisfy - us with your steadfast love Psalm 90:14. Lead/love- God doesn't want invisible glory. He wants to see it...others should see you value (glory) God. Psalm 119:35, 23:3, 25:5
Trust.-Isaiah 41:10-think of a specific or general promise of God. James 1:5-6. Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 25:8,,9, 12,-God promises if we humble ourselves before His word that help will come.
Act-in obedience to God's word Phil 2:12-13
Thank-Thank God for whatever God comes. Eph 5:20. 1 Cor 15:10-MiMi worked hard and Grace did hard work with me.
Thank Him.
John 5:31-44
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