Saturday, February 27, 2016

Jonah - the flip side

In the book of Jonah, we have the story of Jonah...fancy that!

In this book, we read that Jonah was told by God to go to Nineveh and tell the people about God, His love, His anger over their sins, and His mercy if they repented. Jonah decided the people were too sinful and didn't want to go.

So, he jumps on a ship going the opposite direction (interesting) and causes everyone on the ship to be in danger of drowning at sea in a huge storm.  

Oddly enough, the people on the boat ,who probably didn't believe in God, believe God is unhappy with someone on board. Jonah finally admits that it is he who God is after (another interesting idea) and they throw him overboard. The storm stops and everyone else is safe (interesting correlation to Christ dying for us).

Now Jonah is swallowed by a big fish...So he is essentially "saved" from drowning. As he can't run anywhere else, he finally stops defying God and decides to go do what God asked him to do in the first place (reminds me of my children...and me).

So, the fish deposits Jonah on shore and he goes where he should have been all a along...probably smelling like vomit for awhile! I assume Jonah washed up, and then headed to Nineveh as promised. He gets there, and guess what! These horrible, wretched, sinful people...repent! God is happy. This was what He wanted all along.

Guess what happens after God is merciful to the people of Nineveh? Jonah is not happy; in fact he is really mad. He looks at these people and wonders why God should save such wretched, sinful people.  

Let's review about Nineveh for a moment to get the full impact. So, the people of Nineveh turned away from God completely. They were the worst of sinners (this is man's perspective as all sin is bad to God). They were known for being really bad people. Nobody wanted to go to Nineveh. God wanted them to change, so He sent a messenger, Jonah, who tells them about God and how their sins separate them from God. They repent. Jonah is mad about it and has a little tantrum.

Now, let's review Jonah. Jonah was chosen by God! He was told by God to go to Nineveh. He refused! He ran away. He tried to hide. He disobeyed over and over again. He put other people's lives in danger so he could do what He wanted instead if what God wanted. He didn't like the people of Nineveh before they repented. He didn't like them after they repented. He seems like a really bad, sinful, selfish guy, doesn't he?

So, who was really forgiven and set free by God's mercy? Did God tell Jonah to go to Nineveh for Nineveh's sake or for Jonah's or so the people on the boat could see Jonah's God? Seems to me Jonah was just as disobedient and disrespectful and untrusting of God as the people of Nineveh. Jonah needed to repent and turn to God, also. 

God is a big God. He took care of three different situations at the same time...and maybe more as we only know what is written! He loved all these people, Jonah, the people on the ship, the people of Nineveh. He didn't want to see anyone lost. He saved them all! God always has a plan!

God loves all of us, too. He doesn't want to see any of us lost either. He has a plan for you, too! Will you go? Will you believe? Will you turn to God?

Father, we are all sinners. Sin is sin no matter how big or small. Please help us see what we need to ask you forgiveness for. Please help us turn to you. Please help us go and show the love and mercy you have shown us to others. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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Thank you for your comments. I will review then in a few days! I hope you see God's blessings for you this week!