Saturday, October 31, 2015


Philippians 2
12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,* 13for it is God who works in you* to will and to act according to his good purpose.*
14 Do everything without complaining*or arguing,

Ouch! Do everything without complaining or arguing (grumbling)?  Really?  Well, what about when someone forgets to do something important and something I am doing doesn't work out because, after I reminded them multiple times, they forgot to do it? What about when I am sick and can barely move; can't I grumble then? What about when everything is going wrong; can't I at least complain a little bit about that?

Well, according to Philippians 2:14, nope! We are supposed to focus on God and remember the good things He has done for us, the love He given us by sending His Son to die for our sins so we can be with Him in heaven someday. We should remember that the person who failed to do their part, may have lots of other issues that we know nothing about. Complaining and grumbling about them, or to them, won't change the results and it will worsen the other persons already cumbersome issues. 

What if they don't have any issues you ask, but need to know that they are doing things incorrectly? Well, through prayer, if you believe God is telling you to discuss this issue with them, then you should do it as lovingly as you can. That doesn't mean it will turn out perfectly, but it does mean that you still should not complain or grumble to them or behind their backs. If you have a problem with someone, you should discuss it with them, not others. In the long run, they appreciate it (and that may be a VERY LONG, long run)! 

If you are the one who is feeling messed up because of an illness or everything is going wrong, remember that you too, should seek advice first from God through prayer. Remember, everything going wrong might not even be about you! It could be God has something else going on which you know nothing about.

So, "Do everything without complaining or arguing."  Easier said than done initially, but in the long run, easier to do than to undo!

Father, please help all of us to love each other as you love us. Please help us to keep our focus on you and then others and not on us! In Jesus' Christ name I pray. Amen

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