Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fruit of the Spirit...Joy

Joy.  My current Bible study is about the fruits of the Spirit. I don't freer I know much about these, so I am enjoying learning in this study. 

Today was joy.  It was reassuring to read the scripture and the devotional. However the responses from other studiers, really hit the message home for me. 

Many other readers had situations that were not the best: loss,  uncertain future,  personal struggles,  a husband issue,  etc. Yet,  they commented about being joyful in all things.

They understand they might not be happy with what is happening in their lives,  but no matter how bad things were,  they could be joyful. 

How can they be joyful when things appear to be falling apart around them?   They can be joyful because God loves them no matter what.  They can be thankful because Christ died for their (and the person who is causing them grief) sins; sins that can be washed away and never remenbered. They can be joyful because they know the Lord and their confidence is in Him...that he wants what is good for us (according to His will) and is always watching over us. 

I can be joyful because I have God in me and He is always watching out for me. Thank you Father! 

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Thank you for your comments. I will review then in a few days! I hope you see God's blessings for you this week!