Jeremiah 8
18You who are my Comforter [a]in sorrow, my heart is faint within me.
My heart is faint within me. Yesterday I went to visit a friend. We met at church probably 30 years ago. We became friends instantly because we both had small children. She had three boys and one girl. I had three boys. We were both married and stay at home moms.
We would take the kids to the parks together and do other activities. My husband and I eventually moved an hour away and changed churches, but Teri and I still tried to do some things together with our kids and we definitely talked on the phone frequently.
One day, she called and said her husband, an ordained minister, was divorcing her. We had several evening phone discussions as she worked through this period of her Christian walk.
My husband and I then moved to Texas and Teri and I lost touch for the most part. Thank goodness Facebook came into existence about four years and we were reunited long distance. At least we knew what the other one was doing. She had put herself through school as a para legal and was now working. Her oldest was headed to Bible college. She and her daughter were going to finish their four year degrees together!
Eventually, my sons married and started their families. Well, living 18 hours away from where two of the three boys still loved wasn't working for my husband and I. So, we started searching for jobs back in Indiana. I found one right away and we started the moving process. My husband finally had the chance to start his own business. God was in the whole situation, but that is another story!
Teri saw on Facebook that we were moving back and immediately started a house hunt for us. She even bicycled through her subdivision regularly to see if she could find anything for us and report back to us the information...wouldn't it have been fun to live near each other!
We did find a house only a ten minute drive away from where Teri lived. We were regular shoppers for our grandchildren and sometimes ourselves! Neither she nor I knew other people our age who had children and grandchildren and were Christians, so we were quite the pair! We didn't get to see each other often as we were both busy with work and grandchildren, but we'd call each other randomly to see if we could get together to shop, to watch a movie together, just to talk.
We finally decided we needed to lose weight and started going to the community center together to "workout!" Things started to unravel quickly as she was called on to babysit her grandchildren at a moment's notice...which she was happy to do! Then she started having pain when we were able to get together to work out. Christmas season came around and we were too busy to work out.
The day after Christmas, I received a text from Teri's daughter. She said that Teri had been rushed to the hospital in severe pain. Then we found out Teri had cancer, and they did surgery. She went through chemo. They thought they had it. We didn't get together as much as our schedules just didn't match, but we still tried and succeeded on occasion.
Then she went in for a check up to see how "things" were and they found more cancer. Another surgery and radiation. This time the recovery didn't happen and her intestines revolted by shutting down almost completely. Their was damage from the radiation and she has been in and out of the hospital since. She finally gave up her job six to eight months ago as she can't even eat anymore and the pain is increasing. The pain is so great she can't walk anymore either. Her Mom moved in to take care of her as she needs 24 hour care.
They found out a month ago she has cancer yet again in three different places. They gave her radiation, but can't do surgery. She is in pain. Her children are bringing her grandchildren to see her at home in her hospital bed. She is alive right now because they are feeding her through an IV. I saw her last night and her pain is too great. Her children and her Mom just finished planning her funeral.
I say all of this to say one thing. Teri is a Christian. Although she is suffering much in this life time, she has great hope! She knows that when this life is over, she will be in heaven with the Creator and Savior of this world!!!! What joy to be able to walk and talk with Him unashamed of the mistakes we have made because they are already forgiven through Christ!
I read my devotional today, and it was about death's sting...or the lack of it. Because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for our sins, and our belief in Him, we are made holy and can go to be with our holy Father in heaven when we die on this earth.
Death has no sting! Death has no victory! Sure my friend is in pain. Everyone who knows her is in great emotional pain and grief already. But victory is around the corner for her as she will enter Heaven's gates soon! Her children are Christians also, so they, in their grief, know this hope also!
I Corinthians 5:15 - below is a commentary on this verse from Matthew Henry. Although it is very old English, it still explains the hope we have despite death!
I Corinthians 15:55
O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?
15:51-58 All the saints should not die, but all would be changed. In the gospel, many truths, before hidden in mystery, are made known. Death never shall appear in the regions to which our Lord will bear his risen saints. Therefore let us seek the full assurance of faith and hope, that in the midst of pain, and in the prospect of death, we may think calmly on the horrors of the tomb; assured that our bodies will there sleep, and in the mean time our souls will be present with the Redeemer. Sin gives death all its hurtful power. The sting of death is sin; but Christ, by dying, has taken out this sting; he has made atonement for sin, he has obtained remission of it. The strength of sin is the law. None can answer its demands, endure its curse, or do away his own transgressions. Hence terror and anguish. And hence death is terrible to the unbelieving and the impenitent. Death may seize a believer, but it cannot hold him in its power. How many springs of joy to the saints, and of thanksgiving to God, are opened by the death and resurrection, the sufferings and conquests of the Redeemer! In verse 58, we have an exhortation, that believers should be stedfast, firm in the faith of that gospel which the apostle preached, and they received. Also, to be unmovable in their hope and expectation of this great privilege, of being raised incorruptible and immortal. And to abound in the work of the Lord, always doing the Lord's service, and obeying the Lord's commands. May Christ give us faith, and increase our faith, that we may not only be safe, but joyful and triumphant.